
I liked Amarillo, but the rest was forgettable.

I was not expecting a reference to The Ref here. A REF-erence, if you will.

It wasn't a mirrored "S".  It was 52, as Skyler brought him a bacon 50 for his 50th birthday. 

It wasn't a mirrored "S".  It was 52, as Skyler brought him a bacon 50 for his 50th birthday. 

"That Rings A Bell" starring Mark Margolis as Hector "Tio" Salamanca

"That Rings A Bell" starring Mark Margolis as Hector "Tio" Salamanca

No it doesn't.  Prince becomes Jefferson Road.  Broad becomes Atlanta Highway.

No it doesn't.  Prince becomes Jefferson Road.  Broad becomes Atlanta Highway.

I'm the cult of personality.

oh no i can feel it in my dick meat

Goddammit, I'm still proud.

These are really the FIRST details I've heard regarding the plot.

I have the Joy Division Zune… Found a good price online that was significantly less than the standard 80gb Zune. Plus, I'm a Joy Division fan.

she meets Anthony Bourdain, then gets into heroin.

weighing my interest in such versus the effort that it would take to look that up…

oh wow. you're right. I just assumed that she was an extremely overweight 38 year old.

also: Mormons, lol

on second thought
All of a sudden that Lego movie doesn't sound so awful.

A special announcement:
I would just like to give Charter Cable a big "FUCK YOU"

Ok… wtf?