The High Hat

Hmmm…"Do you like my fuck swing?" would work, right?

Can confirm. I freelance in LA and have AD'd a couple low budget movies w/ Richard (nothing that anyone would have seen.) He's exactly how he comes off in the interview: a total pro, always happy to be working, gregarious, and an unending font of stories. One of my faves. Great interview, Will.

I'd say "Spotlight" seems to have a leg up on dry procedural investigations into contemptible institutional cover-ups this year.

I don't think the good folks at Ithaca College would share your praise for Norman Dale.

It's no secret that we Michigan grads are proud of all of our Hall of Fame-caliber players: Tom Brady, Charles Woodson, and Bisquiteen Trisket.

Don't forget the other force that transcends time: LOVE! <gags>

Maybe I'm just reaching that time in a young man's life where he starts seeing Bill Paxton wherever he goes, even in his dreams, but I'll be damned if that's not an uncredited Bill Paxton selling box seats to a gunfight at 15:08.


I just hope they remember to rename it "Duck Duck Gray Duck" for the Minnesota market.

The US definitely had a strong celebrity gameshow tradition during the late 70s and 80s with shows like "Match Game," "Password," "Pyramid," "Hollywood Squares," etc., but it was always more of a daytime thing and has really died down. Every time I see "Hollywood Game Night" I'm immediately reminded of the staging of

Coincidentally, every time I hear it I always confuse the opening piano intro of Sara Bareilles's "Love Song" with Foreigner's "Cold as Ice."

Holy crap he looks and sounds a lot like Jimmy Kimmel in this vid.

They sent it back from her role as a saucy transexual in an Almodovar pic.

Ahh, Kirk. You truly are the luckiest dreamer who never quit dreamin'.

I've been a long-time reader/lurker, and learning that the NCC is ending is the impetus for me to finally create an AVClub profile if only to add another "Thanks, Scott" to the pile. I like to consider myself pretty damn cinema-cultured, but (as with many here) constantly seeking new outposts on this endless,