
An' that, young people, is called "Danny Partridge style."

THere's a winery in upstate new York — Black Bear Winery — where ALL the wines taste like jelly. Well, not really, but its a cornucopia of fruit wines. I believe I was pretty much Ben on the trip we made there… fence jumping included.

Here's my improved ending:

At times he is a prop for other character's plots — especially Frank. I despise the Carl is a serial killer in development meme. Carl is a less intelligent and less world-weary Lip, a more compassionate Frank. He's family. I don't know about moral center, but we've seen his moral development and it's worked for me.

If you don't watch this show, why are you treating us to your great wisdom? Because I don't really think someone who is comparing two distinct works of art without ever seeing one of them has a lot to add to the discussion. And every writer, actor, camera operator and bloody caterer on OITNB would agree.

No cockney in the UK version — Geordie accents, all the way. The 2 shows have little to nothing in common at this point.

It's not Carl's age that makes me weary of the autoerotic adventures. That is the age when that obsession kicks in in real life, and Shamless revels in showing us how the world is much grosser than one might prefer.

UK show did dismiss their Kevin and Veronica characters at some point, and Mandy was written out 8 seasons in, but all the other characters who left did so because the actors left for greener pastures.  In order:  Steve/Jimmy, Fiona, Lip, Sheila, Monica, Debby, Ian, Liam, Carl.  Plus other important supporting

A shout out to the UK series, which for 4 or 5 seasons began with a gin-soaked monologue from Frank that concluded But all of them to a man who knows first and foremost one of the most vital necessities in life is they know how to throw a party.

Britta — I think Carl has grown out of animal torture.  Here are 7 in-show reasons:  (1) Season 2 Thanksgiving and his Mother's suicide attempt.  So much blood, suffering and helplessness, and in the kitchen which the most safe spot in the house for all the Gallaghers — it's the kind of thing that changes a life for

UK Steve was James McAvoy.  US is Justin Chatwin.  Not really so hard to see why UK is more likable.  

God love all the hopeless romantic Ian/Mickey shippers, but Mickey beat the shit out of Ian.  Gay or straight, if your partner beats you, that is not and almost surely will never be a healthy relationship.  If Ian was female, nobody would be looking to a Mickey/Ian fairytale ending.  Lip (for a change) is right — Ian