Starving Sandwich Artist

Hipster Runoff gave a shit. I think.

Watch it, Bratley!

That's what the teach you in Criticism 102!

I haven't had my misery tickled in a very, VERY long time.

I was under the impression that he improvised all of those musings.

You know, not every television show has to be about the failings of late capitalism, Mr David Simon.

You could kind of pick that up through the setting alone. Rural southern Louisiana is a pretty economically deprived place despite the potential for a more inclusive arrangement of resources and industry. Just think about the juxtaposition of the oil refineries dotting the landscape against the endless poverty seen

Hey! Let's leave the fondling of young teens out of this for once.

Yeah…I don't really know if you should make pronouncements about the defining philosophy of a show if you didn't even make it half way through the season. To be honest, I (and plenty of others) got the biggest laughs out Cohle's early, goofy nihilist/antinatalist rants (though they did sometimes sound pretty) against

It gets even weirder. (In my best Rust Cohle impression) The Sheriff—Ralph Baker—was found drowned a decade earlier after trying to recover stolen property in rural Madison County. Among those who sent condolence letters was non-other than William Jefferson Clinton. Dude was seriously politically connected and had

My parents saying they love each other after an episode of Coach.

My friend once had a professor at the U of A who said, "Newton County (popular Buffalo River destination) has two staple crops: Rocks and marijuana." They do grow a bunch of (not very good) pot, and I think it might be a direct effect of the number of dry counties in the area. There was even a book (a whole damn

His doc on Southern cinema is also pretty good.

Don't forget to make a stop down to Northern Arkansas! We might be poor, sad, and voting against our own interests, but those hills sure are nice to look at!

Remember: The passion for destruction is also a creative passion. Or something.

I can't watch this video, but the still makes it look like he's signing. Is he signing? I hope he signs.

Is "ATOWN" Aspen? If it is, there's a new depth of weirdness here. Though, I bet it's Aurora. It's always Aurora, dammit.

Are you James Woods and was Debbie Harry the woman? Cuz, you might be in more trouble than you think.

The Kindergarten Teacher + Policeman = Kindergarten Cop

I liked the jacket. Hail satin!