
I think it squares perfectly. He rubber stamps it and can take some "credit" its rise. (That said, I'll admit that I don't find Girls particularly groundbreaking. Dunham has an ear for dialogue. Unfortunately, that dialogue is often whiny, stereotypical, and off putting. That doesn't really play a role in my opinion

Pretty much!

Pretty much!

There is a weird undercurrent of sexism in Judd Apatow's work that makes me uncomfortable. It's not the blatant, mansplaining style of sexism. It's more like the guy who gets uncomfortable when a woman holds a door for you and then feels the need to tell you he's open minded. Some of the things he highlights in his

There is a weird undercurrent of sexism in Judd Apatow's work that makes me uncomfortable. It's not the blatant, mansplaining style of sexism. It's more like the guy who gets uncomfortable when a woman holds a door for you and then feels the need to tell you he's open minded. Some of the things he highlights in his

Shit, yes.

Shit, yes.

Yes, only TV shows.

Yes, only TV shows.

@twitter-269466851:disqus It should be obvious why that reference made my day.

@twitter-269466851:disqus It should be obvious why that reference made my day.

I am trying to think of a more stomach turning death than that one.

I am trying to think of a more stomach turning death than that one.

Margaret and Nucky aren't even sleeping in the same room at this point! Doctor Dashing is going to have to help arrange an abortion, or she'll have to induce a miscarriage like Mrs. Schrader. 
God, that's depressing.

Margaret and Nucky aren't even sleeping in the same room at this point! Doctor Dashing is going to have to help arrange an abortion, or she'll have to induce a miscarriage like Mrs. Schrader. 
God, that's depressing.

I'm telling myself he had on some sort of prosthetic - a fake nose, maybe a fake chin - and this is why he shaved his beard. If I don't,  my brain will explode.

I'm telling myself he had on some sort of prosthetic - a fake nose, maybe a fake chin - and this is why he shaved his beard. If I don't,  my brain will explode.

I'm still laughing at the image of crying Dennis and shoeless Frank.

I'm still laughing at the image of crying Dennis and shoeless Frank.

The Lovitz descent into wingnuttery is fairly recent as far as I can tell. Apparently he doesn't think Obama did enough, so now he's spouting the same venom as his SNL ilk Dennis Miller and Victoria Jackson. His twitter feed is particularly cringeworthy as he tends to call anyone who doesn't agree stupid and tell them