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    It's in the original article, so you're both beaten to the punch:

    I still primarily think of Sam Anderson as Holland Manners from Angel, and seeing him as Bernard was weird, as I kept expecting him to turn out to be evil. His playing a genuinely nice character is still odd.

    It's true, in Jersey every gas station still has attendants to pump for you. One other state does too, either Washington State or Oregon.

    “prove that love is indeed an infinite force.”


    They're gonna capture the magic that made the Battleship movie such a huge hit!

    They've worked on a lot of entertaining shows (also Hercules and Xena, Alias, Fringe), yet the movies they've worked on have been mediocre at best, and mostly awful. It's weird; but yeah, with that record they should definitely stick to the small screen.

    No, that was Enterprise which was the 22nd century. And stupid.

    The holodeck was not developed until the 24th century, though.

    Is this still being written, and even directed, by Orci? Then nope, you're not gonna trick me into seeing it, it's still gonna suck.

    Well bringing back Scotty and McCoy would be a bit difficult.

    So they killed off a character who appeared in only one single episode, at least before the show became unwatchable, and that's supposed to be a big deal? Really? How?

    You still kept up for several more shitty years than I did then. Haven't seen a new one in 11 years, though I should have given up about three years earlier.

    So it's Rocky Horror done straight, basically? Oh and done straight.

    Write a theme song for us! No we won't pay you, in fact we'll make it a contest to look like we're doing you a favor by letting you do work for us for free!

    It's following the same pattern of spewing the same thing all over the latest thread, and repeating with yet another new account after the old one gets banned, as that troll from last week & earlier this week. Wonder if it's the same guy, or it's just a weird coincidence.

    Also, stay away from those spiders from there.

    I'm sure the studio developing this will force them to change the name, on the theory that a few films with Mars in the title flopped, so that means the problem must be that people won't see anything with a title that includes Mars.

    William Shakespeare was a Japanese studio?

    I think that one would get a stern DTMFA from Dan Savage.