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    They're only on the West Coast - something a lot of West Coasters don't seem to realize. The burgers are OK, but not up to the hype, and they have this really stupid thing where they have a "secret menu" with a whole bunch of burger styles that aren't written on the actual menu, but you have to basically look up

    Flagged for blogwhoring. That's only one step below a spambot. And it's history is mostly just other blogwhoring, too.

    That game was called Final Fantasy III.

    -9 in 94? That would make you 11 and way too young to be commenting in these parts with all our foul fucking mouths.

    Same here! Well except that the reunion I'll be skipping isn't until late September. Maybe I'd go if I still lived in the area, but I'm not flying across the entire country just to see people who I largely didn't like in the first place.

    George Zimmerman was found not guilty because of Florida's insane stand-your-ground law allowed his "but I was scared of the teenager because he was black" to actually be used as a defense. That doesn't change the fact that he gunned down a kid solely because he was black, and so the racist piece of shit assumed he

    I've read it, dick. Too bad that's not what happened, according to all the eyewitnesses. And there is no way you can defend that cop's murder of an unarmed man without being a virulent racist who actually thinks it's OK to kill someone just because they're black. It's like the bigots who actually defended George

    Psst, we can see your previous comments, and a lot of them are really fucking racist. Trying to argue that it's OK for a cop to murder an unarmed teenager because he's black is not just racist, but really really super-racist.

    Are you Batman? Batman's a scientist.

    But it does have a lot of good episodes. It's kind of the opposite of Season 2, in which the arc episodes were all great but many of the standalones were mediocre to awful; Season 4 had great standalone episodes but the arc ones were bad (particularly after Prof. Walsh's death & Adam's awakening; she was a much more

    I liked that, instead of continuing the trend of escalating Big Bads where each season's villain had to be even more powerful than the previous one, they instead had villains who were simply human. And the way the show handled the switch from joke villains to Warren being a truly dangerous sociopath, while still

    Still the worst episode Buffy after the growing pains of season 1 and early season 2. By far.

    One thing I'll give this crap credit for: in it Brie actually does look a lot like Sarah Michelle Geller did in seasons 1 & 2.

    Yes. You are the only one. It is just great.

    And Storyteller. I think the first and final thirds or so of season 7 are fine; it's the whole middle section, from Sleeper until Get it Done, that I find bad and hard to watch, as it's tedious and dull as the show just seemed to spin its wheels. And the Potentials crowd out most of the characters we actually care

    Maybe they can call her the vampire layer, because see she has sex with vampires. Get it? I bet this is a totally original joke that hasn't been made fifty times before.

    Same here. It's probably the most ambitious and darkest season of the show, and even though there are some duds in there (particularly the Smashed/Wrecked two-parter) it's also got "Once More With Feeling", and the whole final run of episodes with the Dark Willow saga are great.

    Gellar was very cute for the first few seasons of Buffy, before she succumbed to shrinking actress disorder and got practically skeletal.

    It includes Alison Brie talking about her vagina. And it was the opposite of enjoyable. I know, I'm confused too.

    What is the second lowest point of Season Six, after Smashed and Wrecked, Alex?