Nibbles Magoo

This movie is both mind-numblingly stupid and extremely entertaining. Watched it a bunch as a teenager, can’t help but have a lot of affection for it now.

And the “male gaze” argument doesn’t really work in the MCUwith the sheer tonnes of Thor and BuckyCap stuff women create on the Internet.

“Make James Bond a title, not a name.”

Only if you’re arguing that sexualizing a character invalidates them as a person, which I have and will always reject. Even outright objectification doesn’t somehow not make someone a worthwhile character no matter how many thinkpieces shout to the heavens that it does.

“After Iron Man 2, Black Widow seemed destined to be as much a male gaze fantasy as a superhero in her own right.”

As someone who devoured this show for the first two seasons, somewhat enjoyed seasons three and four and watched five through seven in a state of either hate-watching rage or self-denial that it would someday get good again, all I can say right now is that I’m glad it’s over. This went from absolute appointment

I don’t know why it has six endings, but yeah Stonehearst was fun.

I keep forgetting that was him.

Man, I’m glad somebody else remembers this. I watched it on a total whim maybe a year or so ago and got a real lean, nasty psychological thriller. The first third or so sets up for a fairly conventional spy thriller and then the whole convoluted idea slowly breaks down more and more, it’s fantastic.

Reyes as CSM’s consigliarie is one of the most bizarre choices in this reboot. Like...why the fuck would it be her? Was Laurie Holden not around to play Maria again? Did Carter literally pick her name out of a hat?

One of my favourite pop cultural bits is in the original novel version of JUMPER, where the main character wants revenge on the Arab hijacker terrorists who blew up his mom, so he just waits around for them to just attack another one and even takes out OTHER hijackers in the meantime with his teleportation powers

The movie that gave Randy Quaid has the immortal lines “For twenty years I’ve ben eating shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner. From now on, everything I eat is going to be shit-free!”

Yeah. he’s one of the villains introduced in the last seconds of S1. He also played a faux-Anton Chigurgh assassin type on Yost’s JUSTIFIED.

Most action movies are power fantasies, and taking something that has actual merit in an argument(actual media whitewashing) and playing cry wolf with it over everything that you don’t like is just going to devalue the word’s overall usefulness when it actually matters.

Streaming creators just think they’re too good for episodic, procedural storytelling. That was the old style and this is the new, end of story, even if it hamstrings your pacing.

The original STRANGERS is an all-timer for me and the trailers for this still turned me away. Stripping out the minimalism for REMEMBER THE 80'S just sounds like the tackiest thing to do in 2018.

“One more thing, maybe you should check out /r/redlettermedia. Maybe Mike isn’t a bigot, but he’s oddly good at attracting them.”

I’d be fine with Eli Roth as an edgelord provocateur if his movies were any good, but outside of Knock Knock they all come off as technically competent bores. It’s the Max Landis problem all over again, his mouth is writing checks that his filmmaking can’t cash and it just comes off as embarrassing.

“After the Black Panther review, I think we can all finally acknowledge that Mike is part of the alt-right”

What a bizarre episode.