Nibbles Magoo

Burning Hot Take: The Underneath isn't that bad.

I love the first four MGS games equally for different reasons.

Oh, Vamp.

Oh yeah, sure. But It always felt relevant to its own story, while TPP just felt like padding.

People don't meme that one as often as they should.

Ocelot dropping the bomb in Solidus is fucking amazing man.One of Kojima's pet themes has always been the inherent unknowing madness of spycraft, and MGS2 is that writ large, everyone laying their cards on the table at the same time and turning out to all have losing hands.

Except Kojima explored those concepts better in MGS2 with the S3 Program/Raiden and told a metatextual story about video game storytelling itself at the same time.

Excellent speech my friend! Gift of the silver tongue. They say it's the mark of a good officer… and of a liar! Americans are too in love with the sound of their own voice to speak the truth!

I really dislike the Peace Walker/TPP plot. All the Cypher stuff is a bunch of backstory I didn't need and mostly reinforces Kojima's obsession with making Big Boss a secret good guy the whole time for no fucking reason.

Most of them are incredibly knowledgeable about a very tiny sliver of the overall conspiracy and thus act like king shit.

I can play a bunch of games where I shoot people in the face.

Look, I'm not exaggerating when I say the success of your mission hinges on how you use that cardboard box. But in the end, a cardboard box is only made of paper. Handle it with care or it won't be of much use to you. Don't think of it as just another box. Treat it with love… Don't be rough. Okay?

Jack, do you know what day it is?

*points at headband* Unlimited ammo.

It was a proof-of-concept masquerading as an actual game. 90% of the plot and character is dumped into audio logs and everything outside of the plot-focused missions is duller then dirt.

I'm not familiar with that one. Is it an optional Codec conversation?


Did you like my sunglasses?

Don't forget Snake's fake identity in MGS2, Iroquois Pliskin.

i think you mean Guyver: Dark Hero