Nibbles Magoo

< spoiler> Words go in here < /spoiler>

A lot of these modern domestic thrillers end the same way, where 90% of it is overheated "realistic" misery porn and the very end just reverts into a finale right out of a bad 90's erotic thriller with the monologuing killer talking about their grand design.

Basically it turns out that the main character's ex-husband not only killed Megan, but had been gas-lighting his ex-wife for years after she she lost her baby out of boredom. He literally says that too, that she had become "boring" after she lost the kid and so he decided to fuck with her by drugging her, forcing her

But it wasn't that good either. It just sort of exists, which is not something you can say about a lot of Lucas productions. At least people remember Howard The Duck.

The book felt like nothing more then a diet version of Gone Girl anyway, so I don't see why the movie should feel any different. It was just another in the long, recent line of potboilers that substituted "realistic" human misery and self-loathing for any actual narrative or character work, and the ending was absurdly

"Did Diamondback get into the Harlem gun trade specifically to reconnect/track down Luke? Or is it just a massive coincidence that one of his major cohorts also employed his half-brother as a dishwasher?"

One of the unintentionally funniest death scenes in film history, to go the other way.

I can't tell if this is a joke post or not.

I feel like most people who complain about The Last Samurai haven't actually seen the movie.

It's nigh-unwatchable. De Palma just had zero idea how to approach the material, trying to turn it into another one of his dreamy "Body Double" era thrillers and that style buts up against Ellroy's cynicism and grit, the whole thing is a fucking disaster in tone and execution.

You know who my number-one casting choice for "damaged 1930's detective" is? Josh Hartnett!

I liked him in Dead Again, god-awful accent aside.

Well we saw how well that one worked out, sadly.

Is she planning to be in every movie at this point? She's a talented actress, but maybe she should stop appearing in 17 films a year and actually look through the scripts she gets.

LA Confidential is a book where I can honestly go "You know, I think a 8-part HBO miniseries might not be able to cover everything." It's so dense in scope and scale and character that's I'm genuinely impressed that Hanson and Helgeland managed to sit down, go "Alright, what's the actual story here." and actually

I think his towering height more then covers for that. He looks like a scarecrow in most of the office scenes.

3:10 To Yuma might be the rare remake that's far more cynical and bleak then the original.

It's probably the most famous insane gay porn story, and with Slater and Franco there it has a tiny chance of being noticed more then your average tiny-budget LGBT film.

Maybe they can build a season-long mystery at where the fuck this olive-skinned dark-haired kid came from, because it's certainly not from Super-WASPS Kiefer Sutherland or Natasha McElhone.

I mean Lucas Till has the same haircut as Jared Padalecki. It's close enough.