Nibbles Magoo

I can't wait for Chris Ryan's hot take on Season 2 on The Watch.


It's one of the best bad episodes of TV I've seen.

I've seen a LOT of Charmed over the past few years. Having moved to Australia and getting pangs of being homesick, it's one of the few regularly syndicated US shows that isn't a sitcom from the 80's. I took what I could get.

Not the one where Amy Adams is bullied into attempting suicide by the bad feelings demon played by Arnold Vosloo?

Ben Foster's final scene in that is great.

That first Statham movie was already the best Hitman movie ever made.

Pixar movies make money.

I go:

Rogue Nation is probably the first one since the original to have any focus on an actual plot.

I know "Sticking comedy characters into a serious plot framework" is a time-honored tradition, but even still putting Beavis & Butthead into a specifically very 90's John Dahl-esque neo-noir story was such a brilliant idea.

"Agh, I fell on my keys!"

I still take a whole star off for that terrible helicopter scene in the finale. It just looks like garbage and doesn't fit at all with the rest of the movie.

If there was a cut that just had the score with no dialogue, I might give it a slight recommend for the bizarro factor.

It strips a lot of the dumb camp that was in most of Van Damme's work and brings the action scenes down to a gritter, less-stylized level. Some of the fight and chase work definitely feels like a precursor to the Bourne films in a way.

It's still weird to think of the kid from that piece-of-shit "Thunderbirds" movie somehow built a career into an art-house institution. Talk about strange career swerves.

I think this article might have a bit more of a point if Robbie was playing anyone other then Harley Quinn, who was always spank-bank fodder even in her BTAS days. Dini was never shy about what he liked in his ladies.

Except the ret-conning of that relationship into something "healthy" was always terrible. Harley teases Ivy the way Joker teases Harley, stripping the dark aspects of that relationship for some sort of lesbian "purest love" nonsense is a uniformly bad idea.

David Webb.

You're thinking of Aiden Quinn, not Armand Assante.