Nibbles Magoo

Melissa Leo goddamn amazing in her role. She's getting the shit kicked out of her and is just screaming and swearing and yelling the Pledge of Allegiance at the top of her lungs.

Man Battle: LA was so fucking boring. Just the worst kind of gray, dull slop I could barely focus on.

Absolutely. Dylan McDermot plays that entire movie like it's his Oscar moment and it's fucking hilarious.

If you want an awesome action movie with quality knife-fights, just watch William Friedkin's The Hunted. Tommy Lee Jones hunts Benicico Del Toro, it's great.

Being a gigantic, flaming, putrescent asshole by all accounts. Like Seagal level horrible to everyone.

It works the same way all of Fuqua's action films do, by being this bizarre mixture of pretentious thriller drama, histrionic political showmanship and hilariously violent action. In both good and bad way, no one makes movies like him and that's why I've enjoyed every film of his I've seen. He's this bizarre mix of


This literally sounds like the opening scene of Team America played straight.

The best parts of Dark Territory are McGill's ridiculous samurai murder boner speeches about Ryback.

Chain Reaction is pretty incredible. I really feel like bad-movie hounds don't worship at the altar of that one enough, especially with its amazing cast and premise.

Outside of a couple highlights(blood bank line, "fuck you and die") Hard To Kill is pretty goddamn dull, it's easily the worst in the list.

Out For Justice is amazing, it's a Seagal movie shot like a 70's Sidney Lumet crime flick by way of Charles Bronson.

No, they just have some sort of weird past relationship that's never expanded on.

Meany is the asshole who gave his undercover a gun when Cusack mentioned MULTIPLE TIMES that hiding a free weapon on a plane that's essentially carrying Batman's rogues gallery acress state lines is a terrible idea.

Empire Season 2: Blunder Of The Millennium?

Meh, wake me up when the Ang Lee Hulk defenders come out to play so I can make fun of them for their insane opinions.

Even as an eight year-old kid when it came out I loved it, and this would have been at the point where I would have found the "talking parts" in action or martial arts movies dull as dirt. This movie entranced me as a little idiot and was basically seminal in me appreciating art-house cinema in my teenage years.

At least Ryan Murphy is fascinatingly insane in his badness.

I assume Cyrus had just watched the episode of Sledge Hammer! where Sledge caught the bullet in his teeth and thought it was a real stunt someone could do.

This is pure snow!