
And Nathan For You :)

Fargo and Leftovers are better.

RE: The episode begins and ends with Thack seeing a vision of a woman. Any ideas? She lasted about 30 seconds in the OR before Thack killed her with his own blood. He's haunted by her death and blames himself. It may be the catalyst to get himself clean.
RE: Cornelia moving in with her father-in-law. Why is she at

For a young athletic guy Rodney certainly performs HORRIBLY in the challenges. No matter how much manipulation he does and attempts to orchestrate the alliances, he will NEVER get jury votes b/c besides being unlikable (except for his impressions), he doesn't perform well under pressure.

Phil was never going to murder Mike. He was going to leave in the middle of nowhere LOL (which was never going to happen because deep down he's not a malicious guy, something you may have missed.) I don't think this show is for you, Caroline, despite your grade (B+), which is inconsistent with your review (C). I

Kai and Emily makes sense to me. Blondes have more fun :) He showed vulnerable side to her with his mother's passing. Chicks dig a bad boy who shows vulnerability. The chemistry started when they were praying together and she put her hand on his. It was only a matter of time after that they would be banging. :)

Did you guys notice Officer Aimee got a nose job from her introduction on the show in episode 2 to last two episodes? Her nose was cute before, very Italian, but I guess she decided to get rid of the bump. I don't think she needed it, like Uma Thurman who did something weird to her face recently. Aimee's nose job

Great review, Les! I think I agree with you. Best episode ever. The tension did not let up. No lulls in Banshee tonight.

Great review Les! This episode was fantastic. I cannot wait to watch it again tomorrow!

She's more than his fuck buddy. He cares about her.

Thank you for this review, Les! Love this show.