
I read the book long before seeing the movie, so I can't say for sure if I would have liked the movie more if I saw it cold. I generally prefer seeing the movie first. That said, I think I liked Watchman the movie as much as Tasha did.

I didn't know Chris Klein was in this movie.
It's good to see he's passed on the dead-eyed, sleepy-voiced, charisma-impaired automaton mantle. At least now he's trying.

Rorschach changed because of the kidnapping, not because of any subsequent events.

Death would indicate an overdose. Alan Moore is still alive. Therefore he smokes an appropriate amount of hash. QED

I love Roman Holiday. I was a little kid when I first saw it and the concept of a rom-com with a bitter-sweet ending was new to me then. Gregory Peck makes an interesting leading man. The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit is another favorite movie of mine.