
"If you said '400 out of 900 movies'".. that wouldn't BE bad because it would be a more than large enough sample size (900) to make a statistically representative conclusion. But that does nothing to argue that 9 is statistically valid sample size to make predictions based on the population (which is what she would

Im not sure if the author meant it this way at all, but I took the 'frame is a lie' as very much in the vein of 'the cake is a lie' (the actual meaning, not the blithely tossed-out meme version).  Ie, something that is contains both truth/untruth (as well as existence/non-existence) at the same time depending on how

While reading this i wondered if you were the eye-laser guy from the GoT wedding scene article i had just stumbled on a last week.  Can't wait to see where this feature goes, very interesting and informative so far!

I agree with you, the fish license sketch is one of the classics.  I first heard it on the Monty Python's Previous Record though, and do admit that that version is slightly better.  Zack tossing that in with the fairly tedious Scott of the Antarctic is throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

I second Vorlon's suggestion.  Since you can do two a week and Brit seasons are so short, not much time is wasted, and I think it is worthwhile to look at I just in terms of comparison.  Plus I don't really think its all that terrible, its just far inferior to the later product

HDB's advice is very good the one thing i would say is give a shot to starting back to re-reading at book 11 rather than book 12 as he suggests.  The last RJ book he really did try and pull it together and drive the plot forward and its not nearly so frustrating as books 6-10 (its a HUGE improvement on book 10). 

Yeah thats where i remember it first coming up too, he is being represented by bob loblaw and his defense is that he is too short to have gotten over the fence for whatever he is accused of.  The quick scene with the ladder buying busted me up also (and also can be credibly pointed to as a buy-in point) since i

Wow I thought his next book after AMoL was going to be Stormlight 2.  Imagine my surprise - I can't wait for this to release, sounds like a great change of pace to Stormlight Archive.  It should be very interesting change of pace to see him apply his typical detail-minded systems development to superhero powers

I thought you were talking about Wesley Crusher.

Also Pam sort of did say 'no' when he asked.  They covered when they first brought htis up last (?) week - it sounded that in the past Jim had brought this up (in vague terms?) and Pam shut him down by saying something like 'that sounds too risky'.  Not exactly a firm no by any means, im sure he could have kept asking

Also Pam sort of did say 'no' when he asked.  They covered when they first brought htis up last (?) week - it sounded that in the past Jim had brought this up (in vague terms?) and Pam shut him down by saying something like 'that sounds too risky'.  Not exactly a firm no by any means, im sure he could have kept asking

Did anybody get a good view of what the papers were in the safe that Frankie was rifling through?  Seems likely that Clay ordered the home invasion (using the cover of the previous ones to deflect suspicion) with the goal of either getting whatever was in that safe (in a way that didn't point back to him) or roughing

Did anybody get a good view of what the papers were in the safe that Frankie was rifling through?  Seems likely that Clay ordered the home invasion (using the cover of the previous ones to deflect suspicion) with the goal of either getting whatever was in that safe (in a way that didn't point back to him) or roughing

Agree with you on 'Doing the Unstuck', thats probably my least-favourite song on a soild to good cure album (the last one that i really liked a lot).  Since they need to avoid Friday, Elise, and High (as no way were those 'sleeper' hits) I'd choose deep cuts 'From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea' or 'End' or maybe

Agree with you on 'Doing the Unstuck', thats probably my least-favourite song on a soild to good cure album (the last one that i really liked a lot).  Since they need to avoid Friday, Elise, and High (as no way were those 'sleeper' hits) I'd choose deep cuts 'From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea' or 'End' or maybe

Yeah thats the one that got the most radio play, definitely.  I'm also a sucker for Tantrum and Spring.

Yeah thats the one that got the most radio play, definitely.  I'm also a sucker for Tantrum and Spring.



@avclub-a9ab29b18796823dd9be52a3f74c1459:disqus The HoUD scenes reminded me of WoT as well.  Especially because the sounds of her dragons work just like the 'return portal' that is described in the Accepted ritual: just as she is starting to get comfortable with the illusion and maybe get sucked into it, her awareness