Holland Oates

I just took it as a sign of how powerful Bran's becoming, nothing major.

The Rob Roy fight was one of the best ever, no doubt. Mostly for the simple fact that Roy gets exhausted during the duel. And we're talking a couple minutes into it, not after the Revenge of the Sith lightsaber duel.

Makes sense to me. I wish they would!

I actually thought he was going to spit on Jon. I was like, Don't do it, DON'T DO IT

Davos must need to follow someone pretty bad to be having the dead resurrected. You can always go back to smuggling, bud. And I don't know how much or little he knows of the white walker threat, but he definitely knows way less than all those Crows who've actually seen them and still decided to kill Jon.

So why did Davos want Jon to be resurrected? I'm sure he respected him (though he barely knew him) and was bummed to see him killed, but what was his motivation here? Jon was brought back to life last episode, and is walking and talking this episode, and it still hasn't been addressed. Seems pretty sloppy.

A much sense as it would be to do a Dunk and Egg series, Benioff and Weiss have said they'll never do it. And I don;t think HBO is doing Thrones stuff without them at this point.

Dreddy Script Lingered

Hey, what's that smell?

I was watching this a couple years back while babysitting my sister's kids, and my then-5-year-old nephew really got caught up in this movie. I was explaining pretty much everything going on (or trying to), but he rally got drawn in by the palpable tension that still grabs you even after multiple viewings over decades.

But they don't have to be. THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE

So the awesome trailer wasn't really in keeping with the actual film? Goddamit, DC.

They have the fake game show AND the fake talk show. What more do you bloodsuckers want?

Best things in AMERICAN HUSTLE, ranked!
1) Bradley Cooper's hair
2) Bradley Cooper impersonating Louis C.K.
3) Jennifer Lawrence

No, but life is. And then you die.

Are there any Destiny-playing AVC/Gamelogical clans or groups that you know of? I feel like I checked around at some point in year one, but something might have cropped up.

Your local libraries, if connected to a county or state library network, might be able to get the trades in from another library that does carry them. Just a thought.

Drinking helps.

Hawkeye wanted to tussle. They tussled.

You had me at Strong Guy. Took a while to get there, but still …