El Supremo

Hey Cubs fans! Teamocil is right! If your team had played better, the whole series wouldn't have rested upon just one fan grabbing one ball! Fans don't lose games. Teams do.

You guys are pretty much right. I mean, just go to a sporting goods store, and check out your local college stud's jersey; He's not making a dime on that $69.95 Official NCAA Authorized University of ___ jersey. Also, if s/he gets hurt, tough sh-t, NEXT! A modest stipend, enough to keep 'em in Cheetos and Pizza for

Southern Methodist University - Update: a private school based on ethical principles - got exactly what it deserved. Remember that the NCAA is not some outside organization, like say, the SEC is to trading; rather, it consists of staff and rules agreed upon by the very schools it monitors. If you ask for a level

One of my big intellectual and emotional influences growing up in late '70's Wisconsin. I love John Candy as Mr. Science; He's wandering around in a bathrobe, delivering inane answers to earnest questions…