
I would wear a Dawes Not Compute T-shirt

So…how do they sound? What if they sound like the ultimate in INDIE-AMAZING? Like Animal Collective meets The Black Keys meets Yo La Tengo

I remember Time giving Automatic for the People a "meh" in '92 and Ok Computer a "nice try" in '97.  I guess '94 was when they were feeling generous.

Call me old-fashioned, but I could never sleep with anybody, no matter how attractive, no questions asked. I mean, I'd have to know him a little bit or he has to seem like he really, really likes me or he has to be really charming AND get me drunk for anything to prosper.

I'm not sure what's happening to me lately, but Sean O'Neal, I'm finding you very, very sexy right now.

I thought we weren't supposed to call it rock n'roll anymore

Seconded. KOL is a very good album. Which is, however, much improved by a viewing of From the Basement, as noted below.

Oh. At first I thought Emily G. wrote that bit as a joke, imitating the swoony feel of 500 Days. And then I read the comments and re-read the bit. She wrote it straight, commenters win.

I generally like Steve Hyden, but this article doesn't really say anything. They called Elvis' stuff rock, but music industry types wouldn't have placed him on rock charts today. The definition of rock changes, depending on what kind of music represents rebellion and youth culture. A kid is always going to want

They yank community and order this pilot. Do they actually think they're going to support this thing 20 episodes in?

The last time I went to target I spent over 200 dollars. I'm not spending a penny next year if this show gets yanked.

Jesus, people. The issue isn't simply whether humans should eat animals. Of course lions eat gazelles, and snakes eat rats. The point is that KFC and McDonald's have huge factories where sentient creatures (certainly far less intelligent and self-aware than us, but still sentient) live in cramped cages all their

Also, Out of Time was the very first CD I ever bought, and it cost me a lot of money at the time (I was a kid). And REM was the very first band I ever really cared about. Hadn't known I could care about music so much. And yes, I left the party after "Up". But I think I'll go out and re-buy all their stuff (including

Shouldn't these guys get a primer?

Hey, where's O'Neal? Is he on vacation or something?

Why Why Why
So why is the planet bitching on the Grammys NOW? The one year they made relatively riskier/unpopular choices (Esperanza over Bieber, Arcade Fire over Gaga/Eminem/Katy Perry)?

Bring back Chang!

Hey, it's one "L" , two "P"'s
Thanks for the shout-out, Debbie!

Dave Chang
Where are you going? What are you doing? Are you going to B-school? That's passe, man!

I am going to see this
for curiosity's sake