
Trixie Belden! I had almost forgotten about those. Thanks for the memory!

Trixie Belden! I had almost forgotten about those. Thanks for the memory!

As regards his loft, at that time Brooklyn was a less-than-preferable place to live. I stayed there with friends of mine when my band was on tour, and it was pretty sketchy. Only relatively recently did it become the hipster-infested, overpriced dunghole it is now. I do however agree with your assessment of Copper

And Don is now the mayor of Champaign. No joke.

While I agree that Bill Murray is a fine comedian, stating that John Waters is not talented is simply ignorant. People like Waters paved the way for the likes of Murray and the SNL comedy mindset.

"Woman . ." is one of may all-time favorites, due in no small part to Falk's incredibly natural, human performance. He's also the grounding force in Cassavetes' "Husbands," as opposed to JC's and Gazzara's often frenetic acting. It's a major loss.

My wife and I stopped by there on a trip down South in '97 at my insistence and asked if they gave tours. The receptionist was kind of taken aback and said "No", but let us in anyway. We ended up hanging out with Steve Earle (ex-Afghan Whigs) and got a great guided tour, pretty similar to what's in this clip, and then

Does anyone else remember this, or are you all too young? Used very briefly in the mid-'70's. For the uninitiated, it was an ultra-bass system that made the entire theater shake. I think the only movies that used it were "Earthquake", "Midway", and "Rollercoaster".

I will third the pirate. I hate (HATE!) 3-D, but this was incredible. And it will be incredible without 3-D. Thank you Mr. Rabin, for proving time and again (as does the amazing Australian film scholar Adrian Martin) that liking classically great films does not prevent on from liking purely entertaining ones.

Fucking Nonsense
I was in a group that actually played with 7 out of 9 of those bands, and I call bullshit on this whole debacle. I mean, Jesus, that's just plain insulting to all of the original people involved. Cutesiness and irony are one thing, but I really think bands such as these deserve a little respect,

Thanks . . .
for these reports. You've managed to nail exactly what it was I loved and hated about the Con the last two times I went.

I have to agree that the band description should read " '80's revival band" but, nevertheless, it's fucking tragic that someone this young should die. Condolences to his friends and family.

or not, she was hot as hell.

lexicondevil, you're the type of uncle I wish I'd had (and the kind I aspire to be). Great move on your part.