Ugly Loser

BP had British accents because BP is BRITISH petroleum, not because parker and stone's libertarian views keep them from going after american companies which is what you seem to be implying.

I'll still defend the office and i still watch and dvr it regularly…however this wasn't a good episode. it wasn't terrible, but i just thought it was very bland and it felt uninspired.

opening credits
"why is B.J. Novak, more or less a bit player, still in the (newly altered) main credits?"

Aw come on
Let the man rest in peace


@ georgey

Im' not good at multitsking

Ed' Oneill
I can picture him playing a Raymond Chandleresqe alcoholic detective out to solve his last case involving a dame with gams that don't quit

Pretty flowers

I don't care about this show
or even know what it is but i just registered so this is my first post…(caneraids,facepunch,genital mutilation..if applicable)