I'm sorry, but Cobb choked the wife of a groundskeeper he was fighting with, among many other fouls. He was an irascible cunt of a man, and both assessments of him in the episode were accurate.
I'm sorry, but Cobb choked the wife of a groundskeeper he was fighting with, among many other fouls. He was an irascible cunt of a man, and both assessments of him in the episode were accurate.
Dude, the guy that's the muscle for an IRA fundraiser knowing bomb techniques is lazy? Ummmmmmm. No. That would be pretty accurate, from start to finish.
You do get that sometimes… just sometimes… a movie can be about a trend that's no longer current. Like the idea of social networks. Or the idea of finding mis-placed statistics (in this case of the Baseball Reference variety). Or, like wars and stuff. Or does everything have to happen right immediately now?