
Now I'm really excited for this.

This show is brilliantly meta. I love that this show stars two former TV stars in a show that tackles the ridiculousness that is the television industry. (I wish I could phrase this more eloquently.)

There were so many hilarious moments in this episode that reminded me of why it's classified as a comedy at awards shows. I could not stop laughing at the Bejeweled Blitz moment.

Well, at least Jason Mann's pretentiousness and antics will hopefully make for good television. The preview for next week looked promising.

I wanted so much more Barton. Can we please get that Scullys spin off pronto?

Abigail Lawrie was fantastic as Krystal. I hope to see more of her!

She loves being on cam-er-ah.

No trophy, no flowers, no flashbulbs, no wine,
He's haunted by something he cannot define.
Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse,
Assail him, impale him with monster-truck force.
In his mind, he's still driving, still making the grade.
She's hoping in time that her memories will fade.
Cause he's racing and pacing