Lavoris Karloff

I was really , really hoping they'd ask him about that Justice League pilot.

Superman II
Terence Stamp is so goddamned quotable.

The Men Who Stare At Goetz. For subway vigilante enthusiasts.

For relaxing times, make it Angel Time.

I agree, up to a point. I love holding comics in my hand and turning the pages. I love the smell of them, both old and new. I love looking at my columns of longboxes, the result of years and years of reading and collecting.

My suggestion
Wait for Longbox. It's a new service launching next year that, ideally, will allow you to access new and old comics from everywhere. No, I don't work for them, but yes, I did get signed up to be a beta tester, and I can't wait. They are fully anticipating-and counting on—the emergence and popularity

Bon Jovi doesn't hold a freaking candle to Bruce. And I'm saying that as a Jersey boy, so that settles it.

I'd think Jesus would be okay with Nikki masturbating with a magazine…especially if the alternative were starting to grind with some random dude in a hotel lobby, then kicking his behind with her lovin'.

Alex maleev…
…was Bendis's colaborator on "Daredevil," not "Alias." That was Michael Gaydos.

"I can't wait to eat that monkey!"

I was really struck by Scott's comment that "[he] feel[s] like [he's] struggling with a language that others read and speak with natural fluency." It's not the first time I've heard this from people.

I also read Watchmen when it first came out, and I too was 13 years old…I'd be lying if I said it made complete sense to me back then, but even then I knew I was reading something important. It was like being knee-high in a room full of adults who were clearly talking about something very serious, very urgent and

Darth Weevil:

If that scene were a stand-alone short film, it would win the Oscar for Best Short Film.

You know, it's interesting…I've catered a lot of high-fashion events in New York, and the women who work in fashion are, by and large, not very beautiful. They're mostly average-looking, and in many cases not even that. They may know how to wear their makeup, and they may dress well, but they're not all that hot.

The difference between Scientology and any ancient religion (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc.) is that we have no hard evidence that anything in those ancient holy texts did or did not happen. You can be skeptical (I sure as hell am), but ultimately, all you have is your point of view.

Why would you renew Futurama without the original voice actors? Could somebody explain this to me?

This, of course, begs the question: "Who will be Abin Sur?"

A clever firstie, by the way…surprised no one's caught it yet.

The New Chiun
Maybe they'll do the not-incredibly-offensive thing this time and cast an actual Asian person as Chiun.