
Dan, they pulled it off because the usually incompetent underlings improvised well and because the audience wasn't really paying attention. Something, something, Damocles, sword.

From the Hitflix interview, they clearly haven't thought it through from a realistic point-of-view. That said, if you assume that Pawnee's position is "elevated" so that they can write a television series around it, it's not uncommon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…
I'd rather have them have

Yellow Magic Orchestra probably put out their best.

Handhelds didn't count either, apparently?

It was visuals only.

Something, something, Masaaki Suzuki

Tourouje, you might want to calibrate your scale to "Internet." It's the 1 where the binary is "best ever" or "worst ever."

Yeah, but the guy who did it did a pretty mediocre job. We can't even get our curators to do their jobs!

Compare Olivier Messiaen's or Tetsuya Mizuguchi's writing about it to Taboo's. He doesn't have to be Jean Sibelius to "qualify," but he's fully immersed in New Age nonsense.

I'm waiting to see what they have to say about the 3 new albums-that-share-songs-and-also-repeat-from-EPs from Boris, since they give metal fair-to-good coverage.

Afghamistam's absolutely right, but then people said the same thing about Green Lantern's bad computer imagery. It didn't change that much in the end.

Craig don't worry. This was 1 of the best I've seen and it was still inadequate as explanation. I don't expect critics to digest it that quickly, so it's not their faults. That said, I really want to be convinced that the montage is purposeful, so I hope he re-reviews it. Religion/philosophy movies usually retreat

Why the consistency and yet total lack of effort? Does he hire an intern to irritate the Internet?

That's really disappointing, since he's apparently no self-aware. I liked/respected everything he's done until (probably) this.

That's true.

Hey, Roger And Val Just Got In was…interesting?

Sploshberry Gummies, despite a horrific name, are great!

It's probably just an isolated episode, but I'd like to see Donna defend Jerry as a big sister-little brother dynamic for an episode or 2. She played off of him well.

I'd actually like to see Ron attack that nepotism. There's nothing wrong with the comedic implications of a survivalist/sort-of-libertarian, but he'd likely draw the line at her hiring. He's been a little too soft to be believable on that front, and the conflict is really rich with possibility.