One More Koala Polluting The T

Fuck that saying and all the smug people who repeat it.

Did he use the Batman voice at home? It's been a while since I've watched these, but it seems like I remember Bruce switching between the two when he was speaking to someone through the Bat-puter in the Batcave.

At least the pop songs are fun to listen to sometimes. The same cannot be said about the "rock" songs.

No, he's right. Fuck those commercials.

Killer fake-out firstie / stealth secondsies.

Aw … he just wanted a friend!

I don't care that it doesn't work for some people. Those people don't understand the movie. The third act is part and parcel to the work of genius that is Adaptation.

There's a Jersey Shore witch? I might have to start watching.

Hazards was the album that got me into The Decemberists, and the more I got into them, the more I found to like. I'm really excited to hear this one.

Put me down as another straight dude who enjoyed the hell out of this show, especially in the early seasons. Haven't seen the movies, though, and I'm not sure I want to.

Two Guys, a Ghoul, and a Pizza Place?

Writing a script is so very, very different from writing a novel that the point you're trying to make is pretty much nonsensical.


Second on the question about it being sped-up. The first time I heard "Monster," it was sped-up too. What the hell?

Someone told me once that August Rush was amazing, and he went on to describe the kid banging on his guitar and producing this kickass music. So I pointed him toward Kaki King. He never checked her out, which to this day boggles my mind. Why is the fiction more interesting than the reality? And why would I want to

"Hello, Amazon? I'd like to cancel my order … "

I'm a fan of the new gimmick poster.

How do you make a dead baby float?

Why would it? Transferring a CD to your computer is free, and it's faster than downloading an album

Part of the joke in the Eminem part of Funny People is that he's non-threatening. I mean, come on: Just look at his wardrobe in that scene. He's meant to look paranoid and a bit loony, and I think it works great.