Singing and Reading Both

well, crap
Tasha compared 'Doubt' to a LaBute effort? I'm seeing it Saturday with a bunch of friends who are really psyched about it…and I hate LaBute's writing like poison. Now I'm worried I'll be that one person in the group who shits all over the movie everyone else loves. Again…

Also one of my faves.

Obscure, but I like it.

We probably went to CHHS together. Did Mr. Wiesniewski ever show you "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" and "Red Dawn" in World History class? That guy was awesome.

hey, only gay avc commenter…you got any copies handy? I'm THAT much of a Palin completionist. Ifyouknowwhatimean.

Never saw Collateral, but the way you describe it sounds intelligent and apt so I'm gonna go ahead and pass off your ideas as mine should that movie ever come up.

I'm going to admit something to you, wallflower, that I thought I'd never admit on this site…I liked Cruise in his performance in a movie where he plays a shallow guy who learns about life and love…that movie being 'Jerry Maguire'. I thought he made the part work. 'Magnolia' didn't really do it for me and I'm pretty

I guess. I just watched this for the first time last week and was bored out of my mind for most of it. Cruise and Mastrantonio had basically zero screen presence and I didn't think the Newman story was well-developed enough (though I don't have, nor have I ever had, any complaints about him as a performer).
But I'd

I really couldn't enjoy the MN love more (esp. NE suburbs—Columbia Heights holla!), especially since I just drove through blinding snow last night to return here for the holidays.

So true, hornet. Lemme know if you want to meet up at Rhythmland and go skating sometime.

Edina kids ARE rich, but yeah, it's not an exclusively anti-Edina kids term.

I'll be out of town but I'm sure it'll be fun. Post after the show about how it was, okay?

my friends saw them play in mpls
And loved it. They'll be in Columbus next week and now I'm sorry I'll miss it, not that I'd really be all that likely to line up at the Newport. But if people go, tell me how it was.

I can't believe that hasn't been brought up yet.

Sweet Bird of Youth!

As usual, mbs, you have a point I had not thought of.

It insists upon itself.

I agree with the fans here—I love it. It's absolutely porn for the many of us who voted against Bush, and all of the criticisms leveled against Sorkin apply to at least 60% of what he pens—I understand why one might hate it. Don't care, don't care, love Martin Sheen and basically all of the other actors, will watch

Thanks for the well-considered answer. And to respond to your question, I'm guessing those of us who are neutral about it are the ones who've never bothered to see it.

Okaaaayy…I'm dubious, but I do own the whole set so I guess I could give V a viewing. I hope I don't regret it.