
Yeah, either the directing or the actress just plays Ivy as horribly one-note.

Yeah, either the directing or the actress just plays Ivy as horribly one-note.

Ivy being favoured by the AV club isn't surprising - the skinny, good-looking, less-talented "popular girl" is always going to be hated here (and on the internet in general).

Ivy being favoured by the AV club isn't surprising - the skinny, good-looking, less-talented "popular girl" is always going to be hated here (and on the internet in general).

Yeah, I've said from day one that Derek's the only decent characters.

Yeah, I've said from day one that Derek's the only decent characters.

Derek's not evil, he's just the only professional surrounded by a crew of morons.

Derek's not evil, he's just the only professional surrounded by a crew of morons.

I was always more partial to Ax. Never liked Crush, though.

I was always more partial to Ax. Never liked Crush, though.

I still wouldn't write the final two years off entirely.

I still wouldn't write the final two years off entirely.

Aw, this is one of the classic shows that I specifically come hunting for.

Aw, this is one of the classic shows that I specifically come hunting for.

True enough.  But now it's not even worth watching for the occasional loving shots of Lively's spectacular cleavage.

"Everybody wants it to be the “adult Glee,”"

Jesse Bradford gets a "The West Wing" credit and Perry is stuck carrying around "Mr. Sunshine" for the rest of his life? He couldn't even rate a "Studio 60"?

I've never liked Betty much as a character, and her (pregnancy-aided) shift to the sidelines has been a great thing for the show.  As much as I know people like seeing the whole "decline of the ideal 50s suburban family" thing, for me Mad Men is at its best when it bases its storylines around SC(DP) and has Don

A lead actor who has (charitably) one and a half facial expressions total?

And that line also sadly summed up Castle's descent into complete mediocrity over the last couple of years.