
Even if the lightning thing is true (I think they might have swapped it, since Zoom had yellow streaks in the pilot), the bottom line is that there's a reason Zoom didn't attack Eddie, but had no problem at all trying to murder Wells.

Married, had kids with. I can't remember if Joan was a reporter when she was first introduced, though.

Isn't the point that Cisco is one of those geeks that even other geeks back away from slowly so as to disavow any association with? So the shirt made sense.

Wells is almost certainly not that RF. That one is future Eddie.

Barry's is red with yellow streaks, more or less like Wells' were.

The one thing I can 100% absolutely guarantee is that he's not Bart.

This is exactly what I (and, I suspect, every Flash geek) has been suspecting since day one.

FINALLY someone else noticed this. It's absolutely the biggest clue from the episode.

So did the comics version, more or less. If they ever kill off Wells, I could see him fitting into the mentor role.

Although he learned his lesson on that one right quick.

He's more Zolomon than Max, but I see where you're going.

Barry's too naive to notice. Joe and Eddie both did, though.

… it's only been a year since the explosion and he eats takeout a lot?

Haven't his motivations been clear from day one? He needs Barry to get up to full, comics-Barry-at-his-peak, speed, in order to sacrifice himself and save the world during Crisis.

Wells is Hunter Zolomon, more or less - he's trying to make Barry into a better hero. The tachyon-powered speed is another giveaway, since that's more or less how Zolomon got his powers.

Yeah, I've been saying pretty much from day one that Wells is likely a riff on Zolomon, not on Thawne.

Unless they try to change it back and everything becomes even more shitty… oh hi Geoff Johns, are you time travelling to get bad story ideas again?

We are on the same wavelength, my friend. Out of all the geektastic moments on this show, that will probably only be topped when / if Barry gets the costume ring.

*sigh* Have we seen Wells IN the yellow suit yet? No. There's a reason for that.

It's something of tradition for a Flash to date a reporter. I think Waid(?) even hung a lampshade on that when he had John Fox show up.