
Ditto, at one time I was the kid with the "weird" lunch and I laughed a ton in both episodes.

Charlie's subtitles, Dennis going Will Graham/Sherlock, laughs from start to stop……. they batted like 1.000

I felt that season 1 was fun, but I think season 2 hit higher when it did hit (Black Jaws, Hunger Games, The Warriors and Mr. Rogers were all FUN episodes to me)

Loved NPH's physicality (his singular eye twitch was amazingly disturbing) in this role, I tend to think of American Horror Story as a gumbo or stew, it's a whole bunch of random craziness thrown into a bowl and ends up tasting great, it is not fine dining.

This season of Big Bang beat Game of Thrones, damn those 13 year old girls!

While far from perfect the comedic timing/chemistry of our cast seems to be improving, this show will never live up to the memory of the show that shall not be named but it is darn fun and I'm glad to have it around.

So far I've seen the first two episodes and I love it, it is everything Once Upon a Time hopes to be: FUN!!

Yeah the talent they brought in was quite amazing!! I need another season of Benched!!

Yeah it put a smile on my face, those two crazy kids will end up together (in my head at least)

I'm keeping hope that Bell and Kitty are end game, Bitty forever!

Same for me, I'm with Time Warner, you guys as well?

Thank you so much for this news, I had no idea they were doing more "Total Riff Offs" (for those of you trying to look it up), I'm doing trivia bar tonight but I'm planning to DVR this and check it out with my buddy after.

I had the same thought in the middle of the Noah portion, also any thought to the idea that Helen's abortion may have been from Max and her hooking up?

It also works for much of the current "cable sports commentary shows"

While it was far from perfect and lacked the energy of BC, I fully believe that this was a quality 10 episode who done it for the Fox audience, while far from perfect or excellent, it was good to damn good at times.

Broad City comin back shortly!!!

Their convo may have been about his oral sex skills?

Love the show, but whenever Dre speaks my brow automatically furrows…… his whole black before Mexican whine… I'm glad Bo is there to help the audience not freak out.

Yeah or if ya wanna check out the scene use Hulu as the ep is available now.

I'm thankful for every review and episode of this show I get, it may not be gold (Happy Endings/You're the Worst, Garfunkel and Oates) but I'm enjoying it and laughing.