
Bring back Benched and Playing House , pretty please USA!!

Loved this episode, sorta sad Nina didn't get at least some fun time with Grumby Jr, she needs a win.

So thankful that we get to finish out Selfie, also very glad that we get these awesome reviews, thank you and keep up the great work!

I just got to watch the episode and as always it made me laugh and smile, Henry and Eliza would have been gold together! Gold Jerry!

As always, I enjoyed the Coupe and Harrington (Bamford also) laughs, glad to see more comedies on tv as networks cut them and replace them with more reality "stuff"

“If you ever want to get baked and go to a Renaissance Faire, then I’m your m’lady.” I miss her already.

Aww yeah I will gladly take more laughs in my life.

Aww yeah another chance to watch the beautiful and extremely talented Allison Tolman on tv!

RIP Wayne, thank you for the music and the fun I had listening while driving.

Ditto, it is more laughable than suspenseful but it would be perfect for a rifftrax or just some drunken laughs with your funniest friends.

LOVE me some St. Clair and Parham, I really enjoyed this first season and fingers crossed for another!

Aww Happy Endings helped fill my Scrubs hole, and Trophy Wife helped fill my Happy Endings hole (tee hee)

While this may not have been a great episode of Boondocks, it still had more laughs in it (for me) than all of the CBS line up from Monday night (granted I haven't watched Friends with better lives episode yet)

LOVE these two ladies, they are hilarious and their chemistry makes everything they are in far above average!

I just wanted to say that Raising Hope has provided laughs, smiles and a ton of good feelings from episode 1 to the last, everyone involved should feel that the world was a more fun place with Raising Hope in it.

I said the same thing regarding them and Regular Show, oh and I love Garfunkel and Oates (I like me some funny ladies)

Love it, and love the "realness" of them being broke ass cool ladies.

Along with Breaking Bad , Broadchurch was easily the most engrossing series I watched within some time, I've been trying to show it to all my friends who may be able to handle it as I feel the emotional drain it can put on you is amazing and not for everyone.

I love Being Human and am thankful to AVC for posting a review of this final season!

I'm thankful I can share seasons 1 and 2 on DVD  with as many friends as possible because Happy Endings was (to me) one of the sharpest, most enjoyable and hilariously cute shows I've ever had the pleasure of watching.