Andy Battaglia

Master master
I spent the weekend with this and can't help but have to point out, giddily, that the remastering done for this set is phenomenal, really revelatory.

I like both of those Autechre albums and reviewed both here when they came out.

I would say this is very close to the spirit we organized this list with. Part of the goal was to pick records that identified and articulated certain ideas at play in the electronic-music '00s, and to use those to draw a line through the movement of the decade, at least as we heard and liked it. That's not to say we

We made the correction for year. My apologies for the mistake.

Hi all,

Dance indeed
One thing I've found fun since first getting into dance music seriously, as a thought exercise if nothing more, is to think of dancing as the default-mode reaction to music and not-dancing as the more forced/contrived/affected reaction of the two. I don't mean that too leadingly; I dance a lot, to techno

Hi all,

The word that caught my eye up above was "joyless," which is interesting. I think a big part of krautrock's legacy (at least the dronier, spacier, more motorik ends of it) is how it shifted the focus of the question joy/no-joy from the band playing to the listener listening. Basically: It changed the vantage to where

Kristen Wiig = genius.

Hi all,

For those asking where to start, I'd definitely say this new album is the best entry. Animal Collective has always been a tricky band to be evangelical about because part of what seeded their rise is the way the live show has worked and changed over time — not for everybody, to be sure, but pretty mesmerizingly

I was pretty surprised by how bowled over I was to see him reading in the flesh. I'm a big fan and knew he was going to be there beforehand, but it was the actual reading I think… it made me realize just how much DeLillo's sentences seem to exist in some vacuum-sealed space where time moves a little slower and

2 Cents
If some of Julian's answers read as flighty or fanciful in transcription, he really doesn't come off that way in conversation. He has a dreamy air about him, for sure, but these things he talks about—intangible, ineffable things related to making art (as opposed to policy, which is what Palin tries to talk

There's a fantastic post-mortem appreciation and a collection of radio interviews here — www.kcrw.com/etc/david-fost… — from the beloved KCRW show Bookworm. Show host Michael Silverblatt is a reader of startling sensitivity always, and he was particularly fond of Wallace going back to IJ.

Hmm, I agree there's something left to be desired by calling it "dance-music" to the exclusion of other forms, but I do have to say that most of Craig's stuff is in fact danced to in my experience — and heartily. My issue with "electronica" as a mantle has to do mostly with my distaste for the word itself; it has a

Hopefully to clear this up (and be true to Kate Bush!), I originally wrote that sentence to say "take such an album ESPECIALLY seriously," meaning just that its nostalgic-rewind impulse is so strong and hyper-literal that it would seem to limit what there is to say about it.

No Import
This was just released domestically by the Everloving label, so no need to dish out for an import.

Hi all,

Oh but…
I found Ryan's comments good and instructive, certainly honest. It's funny: Even those most invested in the genre often speak of reticence regarding the sway of minimal-techno these days (an instinct I find healthy even when it proves disheartending).