bacon like bandaids

SSLYBY are a Springfield staple, but I can't wait for them not to be just "the band from Springfield". I went to school there and along with everyone else, loved their small-town "lead-singer-makes-my-coffee-at-the-shop-downtown" feel, but man… when does the charm of that wear off and they can be respected just like

Why'd the network name scare you? Am I missing something here?

Why'd the network name scare you? Am I missing something here?

"For British Eyes Only" is my wifi network name and my password is "analrapist". It's always fun when people ask for the password.

"For British Eyes Only" is my wifi network name and my password is "analrapist". It's always fun when people ask for the password.

Just in case we thought the Bravermans were an Android family, the Parenthood creators told us how wrong we were by placing an iPhone in every scene and making the calendar app a central character to the episode.

Just in case we thought the Bravermans were an Android family, the Parenthood creators told us how wrong we were by placing an iPhone in every scene and making the calendar app a central character to the episode.

@avclub-d9c9a056f6052ffbfa3526be3478d45e:disqus  Why would a banana grab another banana? Those are the kinds of questions I don't want to answer.

@avclub-d9c9a056f6052ffbfa3526be3478d45e:disqus  Why would a banana grab another banana? Those are the kinds of questions I don't want to answer.

nailed it.

nailed it.

I should clarify—I'm not a middle schooler who found out about Passion Pit via Owl City's Pandora station. I was just pointing out that much of PP's fan-base is from that demographic. +2 eprops to Angelakos for finding something both Pitchfokers and the Central Middle School cheerleading squad can agree on.

I should clarify—I'm not a middle schooler who found out about Passion Pit via Owl City's Pandora station. I was just pointing out that much of PP's fan-base is from that demographic. +2 eprops to Angelakos for finding something both Pitchfokers and the Central Middle School cheerleading squad can agree on.

I was a huge fan of Manners, much like most most middle schoolers who heard Passion Pit on their Owl City Pandora station. I thought the album as a whole wasn't necessarily complete and some songs just didn't feel like they fit in. But the hits, were a surefire hit at any dance party or summer drive. Manners as a

I was a huge fan of Manners, much like most most middle schoolers who heard Passion Pit on their Owl City Pandora station. I thought the album as a whole wasn't necessarily complete and some songs just didn't feel like they fit in. But the hits, were a surefire hit at any dance party or summer drive. Manners as a

Jesse has a copy of Open Season 2 on his coffee table. Ultimate drug lord movie.

Jesse has a copy of Open Season 2 on his coffee table. Ultimate drug lord movie.

I probably should have read the comments first. I was just watching/commenting in real time, (hey that's the name of this show!) in my office in Korea (yobosayo?) and thought it funny. 'twas my first AV Club comment though. Glad someone kicked my ass.

I probably should have read the comments first. I was just watching/commenting in real time, (hey that's the name of this show!) in my office in Korea (yobosayo?) and thought it funny. 'twas my first AV Club comment though. Glad someone kicked my ass.

Did anyone else notice when Jillian answers the phone she says "yobosayo"? Which means hello (only when answering the phone) in Korean.