
This is my favorite zombie movie.

Holy Fuck
I watched this on instant watch on netflix, having no idea what it was about other than simply reading the 1-sentence plot sketch about a guy getting "more than he bargains for" when he goes looking for a new wife.

great songwriting
got to give it up here. just really nice, deep songs

great list
thanks av club

good fiilm
well-directed, absorbing, and mature. the characters are a little unbelievable, but the story, acting, and directing make up for that. firth does a great job.

Amelie, Get Real
I bet you'd still be down to roll in the hay with Johnny-boy if you met him at some convention or something. Sure, dude's a douche but his stardom tractor-beams many a couth young woman.

overall solid, though middle wanders
the first three songs were tight, well-delivered, well-recorded gems. then things got a little blah for me up until about the last two. i will probably return to the first three songs again, but this album is solid for those that favor soulful wit injections from people with last

just wow
yea. wow.

Vampire Weekend
The first album was a strong showing of clever pop melodies, middle-of-the-road polyrhythms, and happy-go-lucky singsong. This new one is a focused condensing of the themes of the first. It draws clear boundaries for the listener, and that is a good thing.

also, where is xx? and why is jay-z on there?

dude that fennesz album, while great, was released in 2008.

i know, what are you talking about dude? that album is like 2 or 3 years old. its for 2009

best albums
i've heard most of these with the exceptions of brother ali and andrew bird, and i have to say i'm disappointed the flaming lips lp is nowhere to be found. what happened? that record is fantastic. also, antlers should be in the top ten before sunset rubdown. i can't stand that group, and i also think both

Good time, thanks
It was fun. I liked all the presentations and banter. I was going to ask what they thought were some under-appreciated albums from the past few years, but I felt like the answer to that was already scattered in this website somewhere.

Coldplay Does Not Challenge The Listener
Commentary I once heard and repeat like an echo: Coldplay is music for people who don't like music.