
He called Jews "oven dodgers"? How could they dodge ovens if the Holocaust never happened, Mel? It's like nothing makes sense anymore. If there's one thing I've come to expect from Mel Gibson, it's coherence. I feel so disillusioned.

Still so unbelievably pissed
that the American 30th anniversary shows got canceled. I still have my two tickets (they were going to play two shows in LA) sitting on the counter at home. I get all misty-eyed every time I walk past them.

No Purest Feeling?
Really, Reznor? Why are you so reluctant to officially release that PHM demo? Don't fear the saxophone solo! Even The Cure and The Sisters of Mercy used saxophone solos at some point!

whenever people talk about with sympathy and the rumored reasons behind it, nobody ever talks about twitch. granted, it's way better and sounds a bit more industrial-y, but it makes it pretty clear that they weren't sitting around polishing 'deity' and decided to arbitrarily release a synthpop record instead. the

i've always thought that bands like stabbing westward and machines of loving grace (i.e., cold-wave lite) are what really killed industrial's mainstream rise. all the awesomely original bands (sp, ministry, nitzer ebb, 242, etc) got their share of attention and success but then got shunted aside in favor of more

let's all pretend I didn't mis-spell "Salvador".

This book was utterly fascinating. Even if you don't like Patti Smith, her stories of sitting in the lobby of the Chelsea Hotel when Salvadore Dali walked in and started talking about the plastic raven on her shoulder or Allen Ginsberg buying her dinner because he thought she was a pretty boy are just awesome.

Sorry, Nabin
Good answer, but you need to work on your LA geography. If you lived all the way out at Nicholas beach with Kidder and Salt, the 5-mile radius restriction would keep you from getting anywhere near the city.

i would love to see
him and his brotherhood of the wolf co-star mark dacascos square off in a capoeira battle. only the strong!

I'm gonna say it
I despise the ending of Heat. I always turn it off before De Niro gets capped. It is completely at thematic odds with everything that came before it. Pacino should have been the one that died, as considered himself above "the code" and tried to have a family. De Niro stayed true to his code the

it's funny
the first page and a half of comments are from people who haven't seen the movie, while the final four comments or so are from people who have seen the movie and actually quite liked it. throw me into that camp. i just finished watching it on netflix watch-it-now and was very pleasantly surprised. i

yeah, but land is just dumb. the part that bugs me the most is (spoiler) at the end, you see the zombies raiding the city, eating the fuck out of people, chaos reigning, and then our heroes fire huge missiles into the throngs, blow the fuck out of everything…and then moments later, the human inhabitants are carefully

i enjoyed the mystery of the first one enough to gloss over the terrible writing. the second one, though, was bad enough that i started noticing the terrible writing and plotting, like the boxer ex machina (and i won't even go into the salandar-as-immortal-superwoman ending). he also falls prey to that gaping

if it didn't happen with the ipad, it ain't gonna happen.

and let's not forget how awesome the special effects are when freddy reconstitutes himself in the beginning of part IV. i watched it last halloween and it still looks rad.

"We promise we'll have a news story that involves films being made from actual, original ideas one of these days"

Birdemic doesn't count
They're clearly trying to make a terrible movie. Immediate fail.

Birdemic doesn't count
They're clearly trying to make a terrible movie. Immediate fail.

i never noticed until now
but this movie and *batteries not included are perpetually linked in my head. this is also the first time i've thought about cocoon or *batteries not included in at least 15 years (though i did remember that *batteries not included had that asterix at the beginning of the title)

surprised no one's mentioned it
(warning - spoiler for an eight-year old movie coming)