They weren't dead "all along".
They weren't dead "all along".
Everyone thought the Island was purgatory, which it wasn't. Everyone also thought the Sideways world was a real-deal alternate universe, despite seasons upon seasons of being told that you couldn't change the future no matter what you try, or more succinctly put, "whatever happened, happened". It's clear they meant…
The Magical Frozen Donkey Wheel was built by the Roman settlers, along with the MIB, as a mechanism to control the flow of the water into the light under the Island. This was clearly explained to viewers who watched with the sound turned on, you ignorant, under-informed writer. Go back to Buzzfeed if you're too lazy…
No, he looks like Howie Mandel in the 80s. You got your Men and a Baby mixed up. He also looks like thin Paul Rodriguez in the 80s.
or did you mean "not half as positive"?
is this a reference to the 2004 Dawn of the Dead when they were playing the game where they had Andy shoot the zombie that looked like whatever celebrity they wrote on the poster board?
Let's not forget the his SNL skit. "Have I got a salami for you…" "I call it the one-eyed monster, and I keep it down here…"
**Career manages to survive and thrive but he should really return to pulpy noir**
…with abnormally large fins.
is that comment a meta-commentary on the Fantastic Four films? Cause it totally functions as one.
I hope this is a real Arli$$ reference. If so, thanks for taking one for the team.
No, but Cusack did play the best Seinfeld.
If I can make just one person Amazon it just like I did when I first caught wind of it in the summer of 1998 (also the first time I smoked weed), I will live a blessed life.
"Ey, over da top, Wallis!"
Jesus, what did they have on him? The early 90s was a more homophobic era, they probably had some crazy pics of him in an envelope, hidden in their lawyer's office.
It's really a fantastic film. Unlike its sequel, in which they scrub the whole cast and magical skateboard angle. Kimmy Gibbler stars in that, but that's no incentive.
Ahh, the trusty New Horizons logo. I saw this trailer before another Corman masterpiece, "The Skateboard Kid". It was about a new kid in town (whose father is played by Timothy Busfield) who gets into a scrap with some local skater ruffians. So he builds his own skateboard (powered by a lawnmower engine) and then it…
Where Wallace at?
Can they just sue the producers of Pixels so that we can shovel them all too a corner of the courtroom where they won't be able to bother anyone else?
Ramis' cameo will be a shot of him spinning in his grave.