Nick Slaughter

Okay look, "Asian" should only be used to describe the yellow ones and not the brown ones too. That's just lumping too much together, geographic accuracy be damned. (As one of the yellow ones (many of whose best friends are the browns) I'm allowed to say this.)

He plays well with the vets and more right-leaning.

I thought she was there to be their first (and only ever) Asian correspondent.

I thought we agreed to pile on Rush for their Ayn Rand fixation?

I work in a… related industry to the one depicted.

I think Trevor Noah will be good. He's kind of in the same position as Joseph Gordon-Levitt at the end of "The Dark Knight Rises", though.

Sports Night did rule.

- 2009

I'm reading this now because I have to, but man is it annoying. Think 80s nostalgia porn at the same level as Wedding Singer, and empty reference humor that would make Big Bang Theory staff writers cringe.

Hell, bring back Joe Bob Briggs while we're at it!

My favorite was a bunch of tribal people gathered around an elephant, which proceeded to drop a waterfall of shit into their cupped hands.

From what everybody says, Woods will settle for a monthly eightball for the next two years.

Well this doesn't make me want to make some fake Twitter accounts just to post shit about James Woods' collection of kiddie pr0n.

Not if Mick Jagger reprises his role as a Freejack.

And how did Detective Colin Farrell know that Internal Affairs was behind it the whole time?

Oh man, I loved 3. It gives me hope for Abrams' Star Wars. And I still want to watch 2 sometimes, even though it was the worst. Its action scenes are still fun to watch, especially when Ethan Rom from Lost gets into a crash in an intersection and his car seems to blow up before the other car hits it.

Sweeet…. cann… urrrrr…

Wait I thought the Taylor Hanson was Jax?!

Isn't it crazy how he sings about Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson - only to have both of them appear in the final season of Sons of Anarchy?

Everyone knows the beautiful end of the 90s was 9/11