Nick Slaughter

A better one would be where Elaine was dating the older dude who passed out and they tried force feeding him a cookie in case it was low blood sugar and when told about the situation, Kramer says, "Maybe he dropped acid or something!"

Only one that was exposed, IIRC.

Hopefully the one where Jack Tripper's ball is visibly dropping out of his shorty shorts

Not nearly as funny as the high school science safety video where some kid spills acid on another kid, who strips and jumps into the safety shower without hesitation. The first kid just stares at him while he showers, trying to look remorseful.

oof, this shit got millenial'd fast. last 10 years? I think my last one was in 2003.,

No, but teetering on the same side of edgy racial humor that pokes fun at racists.

Who are you, Jimmy Conway?

Fuck that, I blame the idiot crew member walking in his line of sight and distracting Bale from doing his job.

I wanna see visual effects that actually make me wonder how they made that shot.

But enough about Kirk Cameron Saves Christmas…

Tropic Thunder got made, that's about at the same level.

This is like the most controversial thing Seinfeld's ever said, and it's not even a bit. Nor is it a bit interesting.

You noob, he's playing The Human Flamer.

but enough about Human Centipede 3 already

Don't feel bad, I used to watch Suburban Commando on VHS that a friend taped off PPV (with the help of a black box) in the summer of '92. Pretty much the whole year, to be honest.

Don't forget Tia Carerra or Jango Fett!

Where will you be when your laxative starts working?

GoT should have been written for the YA crowd, it would have been so much better and unrapey.

Your first point is true, it did seem odd that LF wouldn't know more about Ramsay. Your other points, though, especially the objection to the Sand Snake Strip Scene, feel like an infantilized fan expectation from someone who would just rather not watch anything that might offend them. Sansa's rape was not nearly as…

One or all of which are being controlled by Bran.