Nick Slaughter

and none of them knew any Christopher Moltisantis that would double park a truck nearby and nab the pieces? Some union…

or at least let Eric Andre trash the set after the show.

So they can act like they're better than the other people at their church.

like Hannibal Lecter genius

I still remember watching that one. Letterman (and eventually Conan) was my summer vacations, when I was able to stay up all night and get up at noon the next day. Those are the memories that really stick.

I can't explain it without sounding like an ass, but it's a bit disappointing when I see my older feminist friends posting links about real shit from sites like Wonkette, articles about which members of Congress are currently being assholes. Meanwhile my younger, millenial feminists only post pop culture related links

That could be because today's nerds are just kids and never had that phase growing up when being into nerdy shit was grounds for bullying

Gonna have to disagree there. In the past 5-10 years, I've been watching and learning more about 70s films and just the decade in general (I was born in '79) and those films were fuckin' crazy. They didn't all follow the same three-act formula we're used to. They were dark, and gritty, and the good guys didn't always

I wasn't trying to be smug… I mean look in the dictionary, they have noun forms of the word "disconnect". I would bet it also acknowledges that "literally" can sometimes be used to not mean "literally".

Troll confirmed.

What I meant was that it's not incorrect to use "disconnect" as a noun. Just own the failure, admit you were wrong about something, and move on. Not worth getting pissed off about.

The kind that doesn't result in a chafed sphincter after you're done wiping clean

it can totally be used as a noun

There was the Seinfeld where Kramer accidentally dropped a Junior Mint in Elaine's boyfriend while watching him get surgery.

Disappointed that "Charmless Man" didn't make the list. It's rumored to be about Morrissey, but I think they deny it. The clues kinda fit, though.

"Conservatives drive their pick-up trucks like dis, but see liberals drive their Priuses like dis!"

and prostates.

Erie, Indiana

Haaaaaam, gurl!

Sorry, the correct response was "…and a ree-eal hero, hero, hero."