Mustard Trousers

Aaaah yeah! I've not watched classic Simpsons in so long. I love it so much.

Do you guys have any obscure Simpsons lines that you just like for no apparent reason and quote on a regular basis? In the episode where Barney becomes sober and is in the helicopter, the pilot is talking about Elvis and how bad he was at flying I believe. And then Barney says "Great singer, though" and the pilot says

I've answered this question with Abbey Road before (which is why I enjoyed the fact Alison Brie said it in that old interview that was linked earlier). And I love it for all the reasons she mentioned too.

I bought the CD of Exile recently based on the hype, and based on the fact I've never really listened to The Rolling Stones. I still haven't listened to it. I'm a bad person.

Yeah she mentions it at one point, I'm too lazy to find it haha. I think it was to do with what piece of work you wish you had been a part of or something…

*Ahem* I own The Eagles' Greatest Hits on vinyl. It was my mum's though, if that makes any difference.

Holy crap Alison Brie would have awesome in Almost Famous. I don't even know why, or what role she could have played, but I just know it would have been great.

I do really like Sherlock the show, but the obsession with Cumberbatch makes no sense to me. All my other guy friends can't see what women find attractive about him.

My converted friends count is getting higher and higher too! I love it.

If only…Would that this Aubrey Plaza were the real Aubrey Plaza.

That would have been a story!

I don't know if any of that made sense, but I am still ironing out the creases in this blanket of revelations. Just hear me out…

I keep seeing Aubrey Plaza places, man. She's always reminded me of one of my friends in real life, and this friend is someone I've always had a crush on but it has never developed past that because I can't be bothered pursuing it because I'm too lazy and pessimistic. I've been seeing my real life friend more

I'm just chillin' like Bob Marley on Twitter, and noticed that "Loki" is trending in the UK. Needless to say, you all know who I thought of first…TABERNACLE! WHERE ARE YOU? YOU'RE FAMOUS!

Watched it twice so far, and jeez it was just straight up funny, and SO well done. Everyone was on top of their game. One of if not my favourite of the season.

19. Scotland. WHAT WHAAAAAAT!

Les Dennis! He is very much better than Vernon Kay.

Yeah! I know what you mean. Also when he goes on to described the medical student failing, so the letter F gets drawn on the naked body. Aaaah I love Louis.

I just watched Louis CK at the Beacon Theatre again, and for some reason one of the parts that I find really funny is when he starts talking shit about Clifford the Big Red Dog. He says something along the lines of "There are FIFTY books about that dog and they all have the same story: look how big that dog is. Who

Haha to be fair, the people you saw on Facebook weren't that close to me. All my good friends are cooler, I SWEAR!