Jefe Bergenstein

"And such small portions!" said the hounds.

"we go from billions of people dying while several planets are destroyed, to a Han-Leia meet-cute 5 minutes later,"

As near as I can tell, it IS savory, people just want to gussy up the term to sound fancy.

Thank god! That first one looked like a shitty paper mache cosplay outfit, which I thought might be the point, but I didn't want to watch a whole series with it.

I love Dexter Jettster. Not just because of his stupid name, but that he's a 50's frycook and poison dart enthusiast who has a history with Obi Wan. Now THAT is a spin off movie waiting to be made Disney!

Don't forget Doordash's bullshit. $5.99+ delivery, 15% "service charge", and don't forget a suggested tip of 10-15%. Who orders from these assholes? My favorite is the number of places on their site that offer cheaper/free delivery already. Currently, it's $10.99 to get Papa John's delivered. Like, JUST the delivery

Dammit! Fuck you other profile!

Ewok Leia was the most puzzling certainly. Like… did the ewoks crank out that dress super fast? Insist she wear it? Did she have to explain she just couldnt just porky pig it in one of their little ponchos?

No, they need to go back in time and add more women and POC! Don't you know making an effort now can never erase past sins?

It does look she's holding it like someone holds a soda can for product placement.

If you see just one putty fight movie this year… see Power Rangers.
But if you see TWO putty fight movies this year… consider Justice League!

Hey now, always having a bucket was Gleek's power! Zan would just form water.

I have several 5 gallon totes in the garage of unpainted crap still in blisters. I know I'll pledge. My will is weak. My hoarding threshold is strong. CMON at least makes solid rules.

"Yeah who is cutting the lawns and pulling weeds"

No kidding. DJ Screw rolling over in his grave!

Look AV club, get your shit together, get it all together and put it in a back pack, all your shit, so it's together. And if you gotta take it some where, take it somewhere, you know, take it to the shit store and sell it, or put it in the shit museum. I don't care what you do, you just gotta get it together.

I was pretty confused by that myself, since I thought they were going on without her. The sound was a bit messed up in our theater and her delivery compounded the issue, so I thought she was just going to live in the woods or something.

NO! If someone is 5% different from me on my positions we have to burn the apostate!

Shoulda taken it sleazy!