Jefe Bergenstein

Mostly because of the high sugar content of Zima!

It says no Matt DamonS. They're allowed to have one.

This guy FUCKS!

I'd go with "Most Punchable Slytherin" myself.

I always picked the hat. When I was low on cash I'd turn it upside down for tips. The dog is an acceptable second choice however.

A while roast turkey hidden behind some crumbling bricks in a haunted castle? What could possibly go wrong?!

I think so, I vaguely remember playing it, being near death and going to eat lunch while his slow as molasses regeneration did its work, only to come back and see that he hadnt healed because the claws were out.

"Nice dick, asshole" is a long time favorite.

One is a typo, the other is a clear indication of a shitty soul!

All I can say is fuck people who say or type "guac". If you cant spare the extra 5 letters, you don't deserve any guacamole!

Both Ewan McGregor and Ian McDiarmid were the best things in the prequels. McGregor because he overcame the poor script, McDiarmid because he recognized the script for shit and hammed it up.

I was Life. I had everything to be an Eagle scout but the service project. I had a good time in scouts, until our scoutmaster ruined it by getting into some dick waving contest with another leader over who could get more Eagle scouts and then went overboard with organizing them and killed the fun.

It's really the shorts and knee socks that make you look like a complete dork. Swap to jeans and you could pass for a dweeb, geek or maybe even a nerd on a good day!

I was a scout in Texas… other than our meetings being held in a church outbuilding and doing some service project for them as a thank you, I don't remember any real religious aspect.

It sounds like it's a martial art move (rooster stands on one leg). Lets not stir ourselves up over imagined racial slights.

The REAL plot was sending the Grieving Mother on fetch/escort quests from your castle!

On the other hand, it lets us get something other than FPS PVP grabass games, so there is that. If we have to resort to the patron model of getting other types of projects going, so be it. Who knows, maybe we can even get a new Silent Hills instead of another shitty pachinko game.

And to Gryffindor, for bullshit reasons, whatever number of points are needed to let them win.

That's how I feel about sour cream as a topping (it's fine if mixed in). Oh joy, a big bite of cold, neutral tasting glop.

Big upvote for their potato tacos. Those things are stupid good, far better than they have any right to be.