
I saw Joe and Melissa Gorga at the Atlanta airport (don't hate), Pauly Shore was on the plane with me flying from Charlotte to Lynchburg, VA just last year, and finally…the over-the-top wedding dress advisor man from Altanta's "Say Yes to the Dress."

I saw Joe and Melissa Gorga at the Atlanta airport (don't hate), Pauly Shore was on the plane with me flying from Charlotte to Lynchburg, VA just last year, and finally…the over-the-top wedding dress advisor man from Altanta's "Say Yes to the Dress."

I laughed pretty hard through most of it, the voice is just so so great.

Fuck that, I want every cunt who can't put their phone away for two goddamn hours to get kicked the fuck out in the most embarrassing humiliating way possible. 

An engineering company that I worked with at my last job was asked by the special effects studio for the first GI Joe movie to create a realistic model/video of what it would actually look like if one were to blow up the Eiffel Tower.  The production company did not like reality and passed.

Everyone says it's poison, but the Apple Pie moonshine from Justified looks downright tasty.

This title isn't on Netflix, say what?

The Tolerability Index has been off the mark for months, sort of a waste of arbitration.

The Jenny Craig ad is on the wrong side of the meter.

Anyone else notice that Nyesha (sp?) has already been on an episode of "Chef Hunter" on Food Network?  I think it just aired a couple of weeks ago, she had to compete to become the exec. chef at Wilshire restaurant in LA or something.  I actually wasn't pulling for her to win that episode because the other chef had

I watched Paranormal Activity for the first time, too.  I couldn't even wait for the asshole boyfriend to get eaten by the ghost monster.   

I guess Zach Galifinakis had a free weekend for shooting and needed some weed money.

I can hear a Coldplay song on the radio in a friend's car and not beg them to change the station…but man I nearly drive off the road in efforts to change the dial when anything by U2 comes on.  It's not unlistenable because of the music itself, it's unlistenable because U2 themselves are repellant douchebags.

This show is like television junk food.  I try to consume a well-balanaced television diet, I love Mad Men and Breaking Bad…but sometimes I just want to watch something that's dumb and on the background while I'm cooking dinner.  It's not nutritious, it's not filling, but when I'm bored and looking to kill twenty

I work with Busy Phillips' dad.  No joke.  He's sort of an asshole.

My train of thought was similar.  THERE'S NO FUCKING WAY….HE'S THE TERMINATOR!!!???….*rewind*…oh that's his skull.

I kept thinking about when Liz Lemon is coaching Jack on acting and says, "If you can’t do this (acting) you are a failure. Josh can do this, and earlier today he ate a club sandwich with the toothpick still in it. Jenna can do this. And she was once engaged to David Blaine. Any dumb dumb can act Jack, so be a man…

This, on the same day as an interview with Larry the Cable Guy, and Larry gets the larger headline.  Today the AV Club saddens me.

Best episode re-caps for the worst show that is re-capped.  I bet Teti gets mad pussy.

Caution: Geniune feelings ahead
I'm watching this show just to read the write-ups. Very poignant and well done, Mr. Teti.