Well, not completely unique - this is apparently from something called "Magical Witch Punie-chan": https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Well, not completely unique - this is apparently from something called "Magical Witch Punie-chan": https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Guys, I got it - "lost footage"! We never see what happens to them - that's your hook!
I was worried for a second, but apparently Peter Parker as a character still exists in the Marvel Universe. That's actually a relief, not due to anything involving race, but due to the fact that Peter Parker dying has been used by Marvel to indicate that that particular world is doomed.
Bonus Answer #12: Building up an immunity to buses.
Ha! I knew the songs were good! I'm not crazy!
I wonder which drone he has that allows that precision - the only drone I've seen are the tiny toy ones with the handheld remote with two levers - one marked "rotors completely off/rotors on full power" and the other "not moving/slamming into walls and breaking".
1. At this point, I'd have Rollins suddenly use the Pedigree, with HHH boasting about how now two world champions use it to win matches.
To fit Chikara in, I would add "…after telling you to turn it on in the first place" to your sentence, much like Einstein added to Newton, only with lots more slow-motion and ant-based wrestlers instead of relativity.
I had to hunt for it, but here's Barry Darsow telling a story about Blackjack Mulligan thinking he was tougher than Andre the Giant: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Bray Wyatt is oddly similar to Bo Dallas (apart from the obvious reason) - talkative and okay in the ring, but with a gimmick that requires people to buy into it. Wyatt having a cult worked because it showed that someone, even nutcases like Harper or Rowan, could buy into it. If he had walked in without his Family,…
I remember seeing the first two-parter with the late Frank Gorshin's Riddler - makes me wish he was in more and better-known things, as he's both funny and frightening. I saw him in only one other thing, an Alfred Hitchcock Presents where he told a joke, laughed about it, then admitted he murdered a kid, and then…
My memory of this is hearing the end of Episode 1 and then turning it into a football stadium chant: "Get 'em, Kroll! Beat 'em up, Kroll! Here we go, Kro-oll, here we go! *clap clap*"
The twist is, Rachel Dratch is actually Jane Krakowski!
Master Ose made three quick angular gestures. A rod of red and white abruptly shot up from the ground, only an inch or two away from General Muke's pseudopod.
The slime soldier flinched away momentarily, then planted what passed for his hands on what passed for his hips and laughed. "Foolish little bender! You missed…
"You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain."
The great horse began to move and Romana said nervously, "What a splendid creature." She wondered if the animal really was just an animal. Technology on Tara seemed a strange mixture of the primitive and advanced. The sword hadn't really been just a sword. Perhaps the horse was more than a horse, some kind of robot.…
Did you remember any lyrics to the song? Dream songs have the weirdest ones - the ones I recall had lines like "I have the greatest car in the sea!" and "I wanna be a motherless plumber…"