
Am I the only one who definitely thought the Messenger was going to be Westmoreland?
What with the hinting at him with visions in the eye and him showing up all of a sudden majorly in the last episode, I figured that was definitely him.

"I also say I didn't know it was a school…"
This show does dark throwaway lines so so well.

"Man, this waffle better be hot or I am goin' Durst on y'all!"

R to the O to the N again
I said Swanson's got swagger the size of Big Ben clock.

Does no one remember the turbulence on that earlier shared flight of Mindy and Danny's? When he panicked a bit and reached out and held her hand? I thought this was a nice call-back, not a plot flaw.
Also every terrible part of me that loves rom-com wants Glenn Howerton and Chris Messina to have a Bridget Jones'