Not Heavy But Awkward

In Husbandia, hamburgers eat people!

FUNNY … how when they showed Phil's reverse shot during Luke's ploy at the grocery store, the cameraman behind Luke was nowhere to be seen!  Did the doc crew slip fiber optic cameras between the V8 Splashes?

I know him from such film as "From Dusk Til Dawn," where he was the ill-fated cashier at Benny's World of Liquor.  He was possibly Benny.

"The Bells of Fraggle Rock" it is!

TV in the dining hall had the news on.  The bear thing happened that day, I guess.  You have a bear flying through the air like he's a background celebratory muppet, the people are going to want to know.

The room-gasp moment happened for me once in my college dining hall, though the footage I was currently not viewing happened to be local footage of a tranquilized bear falling out of a tree, onto a trampoline, cartwheeling through the air and landing on its face on the ground.

@littlealex I always pictured HHH when I read Tick-Tock.

No matter how serious the movie, Ouija boards are taken as total fact.  Even The Exorcist tossed one in!

Toxic Avenger could probably benefit from a big budget redo. I know the whole awfulness of it is the Troma appeal, but in a world overrun with overly serious superdom the world could use some humbling. And nudity.

Spinoff Showcase is the Ralph's-broken-heart-like exact freeze-frame moment when The Simpsons dies. Right when Marge looks at the camera and says "We're like this all the time!"

It's so ubiquitous.

Magilla Zorrilla
The girls stood to applaud for each perfomance but Julie's. CONFLICT.

Perhaps known as The Wire's Mayor Royce … but BEST known as Mr. Hanson from Gremlins.

Well it couldn't have been THAT comparable. I mean, Gobo and Robin have the same voice! Not the same voice-ACTOR, the SAME VOICE. Talk about awkward.

I've always known the emotipenis to end in a capital "D." Something about that harsh greater-than point just seems dangerous.

Exciting New Flavors
I was drawn in by the notion that J-Lo would be the new Paula and Tyler the new Simon, but it turns out Lo and Tyler each took one of Paula's personalities and Simon's out the window altogether.

More annoying is the week-to-week hypocrisy of the mother, constantly badgering Chiklis because he did/didn't do whatever thing that she JUST DID herself. And then Chiklis always finds out and NEVER CALLS HER ON IT.

Hormonal Activity

If I drink it, the baby drinks it six hours later.
Sheesh, Pam. I don't know when it happened, but I've lost all sexual interest in you.

Kara, on the other hand, thought Casey COULD have been singing about Ellen.