
Did anyone else find it hilarious that the Union Sergeant, who had been discharged, was still wearing his coat with the sergeant stripes…even when hiding from Bohannon, with the only way for Bohannon to recognize him were those stripes…I guess he didn't have any other coats, and he was really cold.  This series

A Happy Ending?
I'm one who thinks this was a very disappointing ending to the season, and while I liked the acting in the scene, the whole Lumen "k thanks, I'm all better now, bye!" exit was one of the more poorly done things in the episode. She may as well have just said "I'm only contracted for one

The Endgame?
I thought this was a good episode, two scenes stick out to me, one is the scene between Deb and Dex where Deb reveals she knows who he is…Deb can grate on the nerves, but I've always liked the intimate brother/sister scenes between the two of them. The other affecting scene is when Dex is in the prison