
Didn't Walt smash his GPS device so no one could ever find those coordinates again? I'm confused.

Nicholson is one of those actors like Pacino and Spacey who is capable of great performances but can also easily turn in pure ham. Great Nicholson: Five Easy Pieces, Easy Rider, Broadcast News, Crossing Guard, About Schmidt, A Few Good Men, As Good A it Gets, that one where he played Carl Bernstein. A few more I'm

There was a Xmas panto-style special with Grant and others as The Doctor. No idea if was ever screened outside the UK

Being the father of an 8 year old I can advise you that such a thing already exists: Total Drama Island.

Read his books and then get back to me. Blood Meridian et al.

Liked for stupidness.

Martin Sheen as Preesident Greg Stillson in The Dead Zone. It's only one fleeting moment but it's a high point. Makes Jed Bartlett look like a complete wuss.

Guy on the Internet too clever to have his opinions criticised SHOCK.

Bobby: Jesus!

Did you see the making-of documentaries about Peter Jackson's King Kong? The level of production detail was incredible, from the research to the meticulous recreation if Depression-era New York. The shop fronts had period accurate products and signage that would never be seen except as background. Unfortunately such

Cut to black with a brilliantly chosen piece of music to play us out.

I demand a live cross to London for an extended pun run.

Have a listen to Oliver on The Bugle podcast, it's the exact same voice on TDS.

Oh really? What's the colour of the boat house at Hereford?

Kundun! I loved it!

If you type Google into Google you can break the Internet.

Oh lord, cut me some SLACK.

Dude, what about the TNG ep where the Enterprise transports some Oirish colonists from planet to planet? That is the most outrageous stereotyping ever seen in the franchise. There's a bit where Colm Meaney has to transport a lovely Irish lassie her drunken father and he gives them the most withering look.

Bob has gone to work at Pierce & Pierce. He also has a coat of arms.

Sam Waterston used to be the guy who railed at the man/woman behind the desk, now *he's* the guy behind the desk. That makes me feel sad, and old.