
I'm thinking the Oscar winners will look a lot like this.

Neil Young did an album with Pearl Jam. That has to count for something.

I could not get into this episode. I liked the Barney/Robin plot, but the Ted/Marshall plot was weak.

Best Simpsons episode in a long time.

"None of them had heard the Pixies B-side. Actually, none of them had heard of the Pixies. Or a B-side."

They've at least mentioned the Pixies multiple times.

"You can't piss on hospitality! I won't allow it!"

A little disappointed that there was only one zombie tonight.

No Sanford and Son?

The sweet '90s music references were lacking on this episode.

I like the idea of introducing an outsider, but I feel like Kevin's just been a lot of wasted potential.

Not a fan of Kal Penn's character, but the montage made him worth it in this episode.

"Eskimo Brothers" makes up for how terrible Taco's character is

This is one of those scenarios they've done so many times that it's automatic in my brain now. Yes, Jim creating the book is a logic hole, but convincing Dwight to buy it would almost have been routine.

Neal Schweiber is a lot taller than I remember.

It might be nice to have a real ending to the show, but I just don't know if I could sit through another season.