
You think so? I definitely could be wrong, but I have the impression that he thought she was capable (and shameless) enough to produce a trashy book about threesomes or coke binges or whatever in a month and make him a bunch of money. I never got the vibe that he was mentoring her in any positive way - that she was

Yeah, the clowning around in the graveyard to show how insensitive/hipster/whatever they were had me rolling my eyes more at the show than at the characters. That was really bad.

Got to agree. That scene is WAY beyond anything a normal person would do. Hell, Adam's sister - who is being positioned as a genuine psychotic who needs to be hospitalized - has not demonstrated crazier behavior than Hannah's in that scene.

Yeah, what was up with that? I was expecting the whole review today to be about that scene. That may be the most chilling thing Hannah's done in the whole series. It was like watching a psychopath trying, and failing utterly, to fake feelings in order to fit in better.

The "Hannah isn't grieving enough" plotline didn't click for me, so I didn't really like this episode. David Goings was such a non-entity in the show that I was much more surprised by Adam and Ray's sorrow than by Hannah's concern about her book. I didn't know that Hannah and her editor were supposed to have had

Ha! You're an entertaining dummy, I'll give you that. The BBC figures, presumably, came out around the day of the election, before all the votes were tallied, and represent an approximation. The figures I gave you were from two months later, after they had finished counting all the votes.

It was 51.1 to 47.2, actually, which was a bigger margin of victory than Bush in '04. The Republican Party claimed that Bush received a "mandate" from the public that year. The point? Obama beat Mitt handily, and everyone but Fox News watchers knew it was coming.

True, but that's actually a bright spot right now. If THAT'S what the Republican Party is counting on - to continue winning elections without, you know, actually getting more votes - it is guaranteed to come crashing down on them sooner rather than later. You can't maintain control of the House for long when the

No, Brienne is right. Davis' victory lasted for three weeks. Cruz didn't have a victory; his speech couldn't have any effect. He just did it so that people would THINK he did a "filibuster" like Rand Paul's.

Try living here, man. We're beset by insanity from all sides, but the Republican Party has really entered some dark waters.

I thought exactly the same thing when I read that paragraph.

What was up with Hannah's editor? I liked the episode, but that whole plot line just went nowhere.

You guys don't get it. If a movie is going (1) have bad things in it and (2) have a setting, it is only acceptable if it takes place on Long Island and every evil person is from Rockville Centre. But wait - the "suburbs are secretly evil" subgenre of movie is also played out.

I haven't liked this season much so far, but I really liked this episode. It's continuing last week's reboot - which is a sorely needed shot in the arm for the show - and was even funnier. Though I still don't know why Coach was brought back.

Yeah, maybe, but I'm definitely not the only Beatles fan that dislikes that tune. But I really don't like that song (and I agree with Millennial Historian above that it's more a Paul McCartney single than a Beatles tune, which is one of the reasons I've always been turned off from McCartney's solo work). I think it's

You've hit my concern. I don't hate hate those songs - it's not a "oh my god, how could anyone like those songs" kind of thing - but I really don't like them. Is the whole album comparable? I mean, I love the Beatles with the fire of a thousand suns, but I really hate "Yesterday". But even though "Yesterday" is a

Sounds encouraging. "Rumors" great, or like "Hotel California if you're OK with the Eagles" great? Does that make sense? I'm trying to make reasonable 70s-era comparisons, which is tough when the only song I know off of BoTR is the title track.

Hmm. I was definitely raised to believe that McCartney's solo work was junk and Lennon's solo work was genius. My limited exposure to McCartney's solo work never led me to doubt that it was terrible ("Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time" is one of the worst songs ever written; I hate "Live and Let Die" and

Great review - looking forward to the season! My wife and I plan to rewatch the season along with the write ups (we're TV Club Classic fans:))

I liked the episode (though it was probably the worst one so far this season). A "B" seems about right.