Chopin Broccoli

Lilly will get in the hammock with you

We are, after all, from ze land of chocolate…….I believe that's how this works?

I'm 5 minutes too late, all the good ones are taken so………..

Yes, it turns out Stephane Grapelli was really holding him back…..like some kind of linked metal device

Candy Apple Island?!? What do they got there?

NOOOOOOOO! You're supposed to be eating them!

My laptop needs a new Battery

there was that legendary submarine with the screen door if I recall

where's my Deadwood movie dammit, I was secretly hoping this might be leading to that magical notion

his brother taught him how to do that……….that episode wasn't a total loss

since she looks like a giant bird, yellow is the obvious colour choice

dark…..very dark

I wouldn't kick her out of my rape bunker for spilling sardines and pickled eggs if you catch my drift

sort of like the Seinfeld finale, but you know…….good

it's the implication

ancient Dana Carvey reference? sure, why not…….but Fat Mac is useless. prove me wrong children…..prove me wrong

easily, there's nothing about Thin Mac that is inconsistent with getting drunk via ham

Dee's paranoia about the Robo-pocalypse really rounds out her character

I almost did a spit-take there, something about Frank and egg-based humour that kills me

of course Charlie had a spare hatchet